About Nikon Coach

I'm a long time Nikon user. I can help if you
  • recently acquired a Nikon DSLR (or mirrorless) camera or had it for a while and are baffled by all those buttons and knobs
  • do not have time to read the manual/books or do not know where to start
  • already read the manual/books but are still confused about f-stops, shutter speeds, ISO, JPG, RAW, etc.
You can benefit from all the time I already spent (and continue to spend) on Nikon DSLRs!! If you would like to learn to use your Nikon DSLR, from an entry-level Nikon D3300 to semi-professional Nikon D610, look no further than Nikon Coach. (If you own a professional, full-frame Nikon DSLR, you're on your own! I currently shoot with Nikon D800, Nikon D5300, Nikon D200, and Nikon D70.)

Duration: 2 hours (You may bring along a buddy who also has Nikon DSLR or is interested in photography). Division of time between theory and hands-on shooting will be tailored to suit your topics of interest/knowledge level/goal.
When: Saturday | Sunday | Holidays
Where: at a public place of your choice. Anywhere in south bay area. (If you don't have a preference for a place, I can pick one for you.) And, yes, I mean the bay area around the Silicon Valley.
Fee: About as little as what it costs to get a new Nikon 50mm f/1.8G, the least expensive Nikon prime lens for a full-frame camera!

I will coach you how to use the tool (DSLR/Software) of photography...and you will be on your way to realizing your artistic vision through photography.(Unfortunately, I can't teach vision.) Email me (sales AT NikonCoach DOT com) to schedule a session or for more details.

My camera gear
My photography books

Disclaimer: Other than being proud users of Nikon products, owners/users of this website have no affiliation with Nikon or Nikon's subsidiaries/affiliates. Please visit the official Nikon website at nikon.com. All trademarks and brands belong to their respective owners.


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