My Pi

shot with Nikon 60mm f/2.8G ED AF-S on Nikon D200 with an off-camera Yongnuo 560 ii triggered by D200's pop-up flash dialed all the way down
I know I'm dating myself here when I say I still remember my first PC with these specifications: Windows 95 running on an Intel Pentium 100MHz processor with 32MB RAM, max RAM upgrade possible on the motherboard. Had a whopping 2GB hard disk and a 17" monitor. I think it had a (fast!) 28.8 kbps modem to connect to the internet through some dial-up service. The whole thing cost more than $2000. How technology has improved and costs have dropped! The little toy computer I recently put together is more capable, much smaller, yet cost only a small fraction:
- Raspberry Pi Model B
- Raspberry PI 5MP Camera Board Module
- Samsung MicroSDHC 32GB Class 10 Plus UHS-I Memory Card: An 8GB card was working perfectly fine. Updated to 32 GB card when I upgraded this computer system with the camera board module.
- Tontec New Raspberry Pi Board Enclosure: The assembly would have been easier had Tontec supplied instructions. I hope the above image helps those trying to assemble it. Other than missing instructions, this is a nice little case for Raspberry Pi.
- Airlink Wireless N 150 Ultra Mini-USB Adapter
- (this will soon change but currently using a) repurposed USB power supply from an old Amazon Kindle