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Script to Automate Backup of Memory Cards on Windows
@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION REM All cards to copy from. List them all, separated by space REM on my system, SD Card is E: REM on my system, CF Card is G: REM and I back up both of them SET BACKUP_FROM_CARDS=E: G: REM All drives to backup to. List them all, separated by space SET BACKUP_TO_DRIVES=I: REM Since I shoot JPG and NEF, I backup both (yeah, I know, it is crazy!) REM All file types to backup from the card/s to drive/s. List them all, separated by space SET FILE_TYPES=jpg nef REM separator between year, month, and date (also used between hour, minutes, and seconds) REM if not modified, directory files will be copied into will be appended with yyyymmdd_hhmmss SET SEPARATOR= REM set it to 0 if you do not want to shutdown Windows after backup is successfully completed SET /A SHUTDOWN_ON_SUCCESS=1 REM 60 seconds after backup is completed, system will be shutdown if SHUTDOWN_ON_SUCCESS=1 above SET /A SHUTDOWN_AFTER_SECONDS=60 REM ======...